Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Double Take

After a long time, I was able to squeeze in rather two different short movies in one single night, even when I had tons of other work to do. :)

Death at a Funeral

A pleasant funny movie. I don't want to reveal the story, but I quite enjoyed it. I fell off the couch couple of times for the few really interesting scenes. Don't forget to watch the "Special Features", it has more comedy in it.

My Kid Could Paint That

This is a thought-provoking documentary about a 4-year-old cute, shy girl named Marla Olmstead, whose abstract art works have drawn critical comparisions with great modern artist like Picasso and Pollack, and her talents have profited her more than $300,000. Along with this fame and glory, their family also had to go through mental turmoil and struggle to prove that she is the one that really paints.

Well, does she really? No one knows for sure, even though the documentary leaves us to guess. But her paintings are still popular now and are in great demand. She is 6 years old now. Only time can tell if she is a prodigy.


Living Simple said...

Its been a long time since I've dropped by. The short movies seem interesting maybe i'll try to get a hold of them.

Wow your pic looks so different :).

Gopi Sundharam said...

Hi Simple: Thanks for the comments. Yes, try the movies, they are good. I look different? When did you see me last? :)

Living Simple said...

Last year :) How soon they forget.